Sunday, May 1, 2011

Baby Boy Foote

These are the ultrasound photos from 19 weeks. Of course I was 19 weeks about 8 weeks ago, but I figured someone would still be interested in seeing them. I'm also very pleased with myself that I got the baby ticker set up on the side of the screen. Only 12 weeks left!

I'm no expert at this, but I think baby's bottom is sitting just right of center with his legs sticking out to the left. That would put his boy parts, well, right in between his legs. There was a student ultrasound tech that found a very detailed shot of the boy parts. Sadly it didn't make it onto the cd.

Everything looks very healthy. All major organs are there and in place, all limbs and body parts accounted for. Of course I just had a mini panic attack while posting this, seeing the words '12 weeks left' in print. So many things to do! However this is our second time around, so I know that not all those things to do are super urgent.

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