Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I love my Grandpa!

It's hard to get Baby Nora away from her Grandpa.  

Grandpa Shawver just can't get enough of the little munchkin.  I think He and Grandma Shawver are trying to get in as much Holding Nora time as they can before we leave.

We sure love being here in Lima with the whole family.  It's very nice to have so many people willing to give us a hand taking care of the little one.  We actually get to take naps at the same time every now and then.

I don't think Nora knows how to react to all of the noise and action going on around her.  Her cousins do know how to make a little bit of noise.  Eleanor gets a little bit buzzed so to speak, and when it is time for her to go to bed she can't calm down.  She will wake up within minutes of us putting her down to sleep.  Mommy and Daddy have taken turns holding her through the night for the past couple of nights.


  1. Traveling and having family help is so's the "off" schedule that is a killer! It will take some time once you get back home to get her into a better routine again. Sometimes it is brutal...but has to be done!

    Merry Christmas! Isn't Christmas even better when you see it through the eyes of your own child?! Today was magical!

    Colleen :)

  2. Dear Katie and Quinn: A baby of your own. How very wonderful. I am so happy for you both. Lots of love and hugs to that new blessing in your life. You will never be the same! Give her velvet skin a gentle kiss for me, love to all xoxoxox Dinah M.
