Saturday, December 6, 2008

Mommy & Baby

It is always fun when I'm able to make Katy giggle.

We are now feeding Nora any way we can.  If she's sleepy, we will give her a bottle.  If she's wide awake, Katy will nurse her.  We are just doing whatever is easiest.  If we wake up at 2:00am to feed her, I guarantee we will be giving her a bottle.  

Grandma and Grandpa Shawver are here visiting us here in Utah this weekend.  They are here for the Baby's Blessing.  It is going to be diffucult to pry Nora away from Grandpa Shawver's arms for the next day or two.  It is rumored that Tom told Marilyn she wouldn't be able to hold the baby at all this weekend because he would be holding her the whole time.

1 comment:

  1. Grandparents are the best!!! Enjoy them while you have them! Abbie loves her Nana and Papa! It is fun to see them with someone who loves them (almost) as much as you!

    Count your blessings she will take a bottle. Abbie would have NONE of that! It was me or nothing...literally...She went straight to a sippy cup when she was old enough...You can guarentee there were MANY (ok...almost all) nights she slept with us...that was easiest...the sitting up and nursing is for the birds at 2:00 just doesn't happen!

    Thanks for the blog updates...Its fun to see you guys and your cute little sends me down memory lane...Post some blessing pictures!

